30 day blog challenge ~ Day 4

Happy Valentines everyone! hope you guys have had a great day with or without someone special!
ChenChen and I have had a “Skype Date” we ate dinner at the same time, watched a movie together – We played it at the same time.. It could not have been more perfect 🙂 And I opened the gift that he gave me last time I was in Glasgow  🙂

Screen shot 2014-02-15 at 12.34.12 AM

I did not forget about the Blog Challenge, it will just be a late answer, as it is already February 15th in Norway.

♥  4. What do you wear to bed?

Ok, this question is a little strange, but I guess I will just give you guys a boring answer as I only wear ChenChen’s t-shirt and sweat pants 😛 Most comfortable thing to wear when I sleep!

Over to something completely different ~
I’ve been given a Versatile Blog Award, which is pretty much an award one blogger to another, to show that they love reading what they write about 🙂

Below are the rules of the award :

  1. Display the logo in a post


♥  2. Link to the person who nominated you

I was given this award by the girl behind the blog “AMWF couple”. She is a British girl dating a Guy from Hong Kong and she writes amazing posts about topics such as How she met her boyfriend, and about her Trip to Hong Kong, which really makes me miss Asia 😦

♥  3. Write seven (7) things about yourself

  • I’m from Norway.
  • I moved to Beijing, China as a teenager.
  • I studied Chinese for 1 year.
  • I am working in a kindergarten.
  • I’m in the movie Karate Kid as a “blonde girl in the background.”
  • I miss China.
  • I’ve been told that I look; American, French, German, Dutch, Swedish – But no one guess that I’m Norwegian.

4. Nominate 15 other bloggers and inform them of their nomination: 10 for now, I will add 5 more tomorrow >.<