It’s almost time

In 4 days I will be on my way to Edinburgh, with a one-way ticket. Finally I will see CC again, and his parents, who’s been in Edinburgh for almost a month, and I think CC is about to go crazy 😀 haha. This time will be different though, we are not staying in Edinburgh for long, actually I’m just there for one day before the journey to a new chapter in our lives starts.
The past months have been really busy, I applied for a visa to China which I got, but I also decided to post my resume on a website. Two days later I received an email, from a kindergarten in Beijing, they wanted to arrange a Skype interview with me. I have to be honest, I did not expect too much, but three days later I received an email, saying they were interested in hiring me and they send me the job offer the next day. Of course I was really happy, and I’m still really happy. But, in order to get a work visa in China (I don’t know if this is only for people working in kindergartens) I had to complete a TEFL course, which is a course that gives me a certificate that proves I’m allowed to teach English as a foreign language. So for the past 2 months, I’ve been working on that as well as I’ve been working everyday at my current kindergarten. So pretty much, everything is good to go, I just have to complete the course and CC and I have to find an apartment.

photo 1

I never thought it would be this stressful moving back to China, it’s not like I feel stressed in a way that’s annoying, I feel super happy but at the same time really stressed. And when I thought that everything was starting to calm down, I realized “I have to pack my stuff.” >.< I have no idea why I didn’t think of that or do that earlier, so pretty much all this Christmas I have been packing, organizing, looking through all my clothes, given lots of clothes to charity and thrown away some stuff. Unorganized? Maybe. I just finished packing up, and going through all my clothes today, when I realized, all my clothes are in my suitcases, “what will I be wearing the next few days?!” So once again I had to open up my suitcases and find some clothes that I can wear until I leave.

photo 4Started organizing.. or making it more messy maybe? >.< It’s what I called highway to craziness for a few days.. 

photo 2Somewhat organized .. 😀 

photo (2)Finally!!! 😀 

Once I’m on the plane, on my way to Edinburgh, I can finally relax a little. But we still have, lots of work to do, we have to find an apartment that’s located somewhere between where I will work and where CC will work. And for those of you who know, Beijing is not exactly a small city. CC will most likely be working around the Llama temple, while I will most likely be working at the kindergarten located close to the airport. The kindergarten got two kindergartens, one in Shunyi and one in Haidian, at first they wanted me to work in Haidian, but now after I told them I prefer the one in Shunyi, as my old High School is in that area and I know that area much better, it seems like I will be working there. It’s really exciting, and I can’t wait. But looking at apartments online is not exactly easy, maybe it’s even more difficult in China, as I know some agencies use fake pictures. And to make it even better, this is something I’m super duper overly extremely excited about – CC’s bestfriend’s dog had puppies a few weeks ago, and we are getting one of the puppies. I know it’s not the best timing, but CC and I have always talked about getting a dog. I’m already in love with our puppy, Bailey, and I can’t wait!!

photo 3Everybody say hello to Bailey 😀 

With just 4 days left in Norway, I’m finally starting to relax, and I can finally enjoy the last few days with my family and friends, before CC and I fly to Beijing. As we only decided on going to Beijing in mid-November we didn’t have as much time to prepare and plan as we’d hoped for, but once we have found an apartment, and settled down, I will share lots of stories with all of you guys from our new life in Beijing! I can’t wait 😀

Anyone else who also feel super stressed before moving? Please share your experience on moving to a new town or country ~

For more updates on our new adventure follow me on Instagram and Facebook!


13 thoughts on “It’s almost time

    1. Haha howww?!?! I was actually gonna have 3 big ones, and then the small one + my bag on the plane, but it is soooo expensive to pay for extra luggage :S So I had to narrow it down to two big suitcases plus one carry on and my bag. haha 😀 I will probably go shopping though >.< haha. I think I have probably packed way too much, but I hate throwing away clothes -.-. haha. Thank youuuuu 😀 I'll keep you updated 😉 😀

      1. Oh noooo 😦
        I would also do that, but it’s difficult when my family is living in Dubai haha. I’m the only one who got lots of stuff in our house in Norway 😛 haha.

    1. Haha, I can imagine!! At least I will start with two suitcases, when I return it will probably be the double amount 😀 We will travel with CC’s parents, and in total we will have 7 or 8 suitcases >.< haha. But I blame my man, he's the one that's addicted to shopping 😀 haha

  1. Happy new year, and wish you a great start in Beijing!

    This December I also moved to a new apartment and found a new job at the same time so I can feel part of your stress, haha. However I didn’t need to take a plane to move so I guess I was slightly less stressed than you 😛

    From the Lama temple to Shunyi there is quite some distance…

    1. Happy new year to you too! 😀
      I think moving in general is stressful! haha
      I just got an email today from the kindergarten, and they confirmed with me that I will be working in the Shunyi one.. If you know beijing well, then this explanation will make sense to you; The kindergarten is located right where Shunyi district start. So it is by the new exhibition center, where all the foreigners with small kids live. So living around Lido would be the best option 😀 So now the apartment hunting starts 😀 haha

  2. Congratulations on moving back to China and getting a new puppy! I’m really happy to see that! Best wishes on your new chapter with the love of your life!

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